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White Paper: DC Power Distribution Basics

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Best-Practice Guidelines for Telecommunications Power Management and Wiring


As communications networks continue to evolve, the integrity of infrastructure contin- ues to be of vital importance; not only for the exchange of data, but also for the revenue-earning potential the lines represent to the industry and the customers it serves.


Given the expense involved, the emphasis for network growth is frequently placed on the archi- tecture of the lines, yet industry dynamics can leave some service providers vulnerable. Prior to industry deregulation, much of the engineer, fur- nish, and install (EFI) was performed by special- ized staff within the provider. Today, competitive forces have led many to outsource EFI. Equipment vendors are increasingly called upon to configure equipment, including power distribution. While standards exist for these procedures, in actuality DC installation practices have been known to vary.


This paper will present guidelines that Telect considers “best-practice” for power distribution and wiring. Adhering to these recommendations is an important measure for protecting the system invest- ment over its service life. As systems change, these practices can also help providers control lost revenue costs due to power-related downtime.


...see attached document below



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